5 Things Foreign Investors Should Know About Investing in Florida Real Estate
Florida loves foreign investment. The state’s real estate markets thrive on foreign capital and investors are attracted to the ROI opportunities that Florida real estate promises. Despite Florida’s investment appeal, foreign investors may fear that remote investing may prove overwhelming. The important thing to remember is that Florida real estate wants foreign investment. There are...
Read MoreCongrats to the WINNER of our Drawing
Thank you to all who took the time to fill out our survey. We received some terrific suggestions on how to improve the show. The winner of the drawing and $50 Amazon Gift Certificate was TREY...
Read MoreInvesting in Real Estate Using your IRA (Part 2 of 2)

2nd and final portion of our interview with Scott Maurer from Advanta IRA (Part I – Click Here) discussing real estate in an IRA Eric: Hi, my name is Eric Odum. I’m a Principal Broker for Florida Investment Real Estate in Tampa, Florida. And we’re going to complete the second section of our interview with Scott Maurer, from Advanta IRA. I appreciate again, once again you joining...
Read MoreInvesting in Real Estate inside an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) (Part 1 of 2)

An Interview with Scott Maurer – Advanta IRA & Eric Odum – Florida Investment Real Estate (Part 1 of 2) Eric: Hi, my name is Eric Odum. I’m a Principal Broker for Florida Investment Real Estate in Tampa, Florida and today were gonna talk with Scott Maurer from ADVANTA IRA. Scott, would you tell us something about your firm and what you do? Scott: ADVANTA IRA is a very...
Read MoreApartment Buildings for Sale: Outlook Remains Bright in Florida

The outlook for multi-family investments in the State of Florida remains positive. As reported in the Q2 “Survey of Emerging Market Conditions” produced by the University of Florida’s Bergstrom Center for Real Estate Studies, it is believed that apartment rents and occupancy will continue to increase in the coming quarters, despite new development, which is schedule to come online over...
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